A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a surgical technique that relieves frown lines, elevates sagging brows, and positions the brows in a youthful position.

Brow lift (eyebrow lift) is a common technique for rejuvenating the forehead and brow in patients who seek to correct the indications of ageing. Repositioning the brow and forehead not only lifts the brow and accentuates the eye area, but also restores the brow line’s youthful contour. The goal of the procedure is to restore the upper facial area’s natural appearance so that it matches the rest of the face. Ideal candidates for this procedure are:
  • patients with sagging or low eyebrow position
  • patients with deep horizontal creases across the forehead
  • patients with frown lines or furrows between the eyebrows or across the top of your nose
  • patients with excess skin or fatty tissue hanging over your eyes
The end result of a brow lift is a natural, elevated, younger, and better-positioned forehead that portrays the youthful, energetic, and wonderful person that you are.
Following the selection of the top brow lift surgeon in La Clinique ME Dubai for your brow lift operation, the next step is a thorough consultation. You and your plastic surgeon will discuss why you need the surgery and what you expect to achieve during this session. A physical evaluation of the face will be performed as well in order to decide the best sort of surgery for the patient and how it should be performed. You will also be counselled on possible results to ensure that your expectations are realistic and attainable.
Not only Brow Lift could improve your appearance but also enhance your self-image & self-esteem.